Mental As Anything – If You Leave Me
Mental As Anything’s promo-video for the hit single ‘If You Leave Me Can I Come Too’, from the 1981 album ‘Cats & Dogs’.
Cats & Dogs is the third studio album released by Mental As Anything. It was released in September 1981, produced by Bruce Brown and Russell Dunlop, and peaked at #3 on the Australian Album charts. The first single, “If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too?”, written by Martin Plaza was released in May 1981 and peaked at #4 on the Australian Singles charts. Cats & Dogs was released overseas in New Zealand, and with an altered track lisiting in both Canada (as Cats & Dogs), and the USA and Europe (as If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too?). In October 2010, Cats & Dogs was listed in the top 50 in the book, 100 Best Australian Albums.
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